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Who Invented the Hydraulic Press For Cocoa Processing?

time:2023-06-07 views:(点击 1,174 次)
[Article Summary]:Coenraad Johannes van Houten invented a hydraulic press in 1828 which revolutionized the previously laborious process of turning cocoa liquor into c……

Coenraad Johannes van Houten invented a hydraulic press in 1828 which revolutionized the previously laborious process of turning cocoa liquor into cocoa powder, and this along with Fry's mixing techniques made chocolate an everyday product rather than the privilege of European elites.

Hydraulic presses rely on Pascal's theory of pressure in liquids to operate, with two cylinders: a slave cylinder and master cylinder, and can have between 6-20 chambers depending on their size.

Coenraad Johannes van Houten

A hydraulic press is a versatile manufacturing machine commonly employed to perform various manufacturing processes, from minting coins and stamping metal product parts, compacting pharmaceutical tablets and pressing foods, to cocoa processing by extracting fat from cocoa beans in 1828 by either Coenrad Johannes Van Houten or his father Casparus for industrializing this labor-intensive and inefficient process of separating cocoa liquor into cocoa butter and cocoa powder - revolutionary invention that helped lead to mass-scale chocolate production with steam engines like Joseph Fry's invention alone completely revolutionized the course of chocolate production forever and allowed it to become mass-produced product!

Coenrad Johannes Van Houten was a Dutch chemist who pioneered a method to separate cocoa bean fat, creating chocolate as we know it today. His breakthrough led to him founding one of the most well-known chocolate companies ever created and still producing some of its world-renowned cocoa products today.

Prior to the Cocoa Press' invention, creating drinking chocolate was extremely challenging due to the high fat content in cacao beans. By using his hydraulic press, Van Houten reduced fat levels in cacao beans making them easier for pulverization into powder form for mixing with milk or water for drinking purposes. He further improved flavor by treating it with alkaline salts during dutching process which darkened its color while giving a milder and smoother flavor profile to cocoa powder for consumption.

Cocoa processing is a complex and multi-step process that begins by milling roasted cocoa beans into fine ground cocoa nibs that will then be processed to create cocoa liquor. After this, using hydraulic press process the pressed nibs are separated from liquid butter before being further compressed into filter cakes that can then be ground into cocoa powder - providing an efficient and cost effective means of extracting maximum cocoa butter from each roasted nib.

Hydraulic presses designed specifically for cocoa are engineered to meet the highest industry standards and maximize yields, with an eye towards sustainable future of cocoa production. Royal Duyvis Wiener leads this market and offers comprehensive equipment that fulfills global requirements.

The Original Hydraulic Press

The hydraulic press is a machine that uses air or liquid pressure to produce force, creating force with minimal effort. As such, it is an effective and cost-efficient device for many uses; in cocoa processing industry applications it's used for separating cocoa liquor into cocoa cake and cocoa butter which then used to manufacture cocoa powders used for chocolate manufacturing, compound coatings, baking mixes and dry mixes.

Coenraad Johannes van Houten created the original hydraulic press in 1828, revolutionizing cocoa production through industrialization. Before this point, cocoa production required long and laborious separation processes between cocoa butter and cake forms - this breakthrough, coupled with Joseph Fry's use of a steam engine to grind cocoa beans allowed chocolate production at unprecedented scales.

To create the desired cocoa product, cocoa liquor and cocoa butter must first be separated in a press. This requires applying massive force against it - hence why most presses contain 6-20 pressure elements (pots and squeezers) on frames which allow cocoa butter through while pushing against solid cocoa particles.

To obtain optimal pressing results, hydraulic presses must be filled with liquid cocoa mass before being subject to extreme amounts of force. As a result, cocoa cakes containing between 44%-53% cocoa butter are produced, with any excess being ground into cocoa powder for further use.

Hydraulic presses feature special pinch valves that close during cycle II pressing and reopen during cycle III, in order to keep cocoa from getting trapped between cylinder walls during pressing and discharging processes. Furthermore, special sealing rings have also been installed within these cylinders in order to avoid leakage of liquid cocoa mass during pressuring and discharging processes.

UCP has developed its 'pinch' valve and special sealing rings to eliminate lumps or pockets that would reduce quality of final cocoa products, with this patent-protected technology available as an upgrade option for its cocoa grinding and separation machines.

The Hydraulic Press for Cocoa Processing

Hydraulic presses are powerful machines that utilise tremendous amounts of pressure to push on a cylinder, with numerous uses such as stamping metal product parts or compressing pharmaceutical tablets. Cocoa processing industries rely on hydraulic oil presses for separating cocoa mass into cocoa powder and cocoa butter for use in making chocolate products, using enormous pressure (up to 380 tons!). These presses utilize hydraulic technology which produces incredible amounts of pressure through hydraulically driven pistons. This machine comprises several components, such as a hydraulic pump and power station, hydraulic cylinder, double raw material barrels, control cabinet and body frame. Furthermore, all parts coming in contact with cocoa are made of food grade stainless steel that meets GMP standards to facilitate easy maintenance and cleaning.

Coenraad Johannes van Houten invented a hydraulic press in 1828 for cocoa processing, revolutionizing an inefficient and labor intensive process of separating chocolate liquor into cocoa butter and powder. Together with Pennsylvanian Joseph Fry's use of steam engines to grind cocoa beans, his invention led to dramatic price reductions of cocoa products, making chocolate accessible to more people (Coe and Coe 2013: 483).

Cocoa can now be processed using various techniques and equipment, but a hydraulic press remains an integral component in its processing, particularly if one wants to produce fat-free cocoa powder - a popular choice among consumers, since its taste and texture provide all the enjoyment without added fat content.

In order to produce fat-free cocoa powder, cocoa mass must first be compressed using a hydraulic oil press at high pressures. Once separated from its cocoa mass, cocoa butter becomes pure prime pressed cocoa and can be used in various culinary applications; press cake is left behind after pressing and usually used to manufacture chocolate products with various brand names attached.

The Hydraulic Press for Chocolate

Coenraad Johannes van Houten revolutionized industrial production of chocolate with his hydraulic cocoa press invention in 1828. Prior to this invention, most chocolate was produced on a small-scale by artisans using time consuming methods of splitting cocoa beans into butter and powder for production. His invention dramatically reduced labor requirements and created more efficient chocolate manufacturing.

With the hydraulic cocoa press, roasted and ground cocoa nibs are subject to high pressure and heat before being compressed under high pressure to produce cocoa mass with high levels of fat that can be used to produce various chocolate products. Any residual solid residue after pressing is known as cocoa cake and contains 10-12 percent cocoa butter content.

Cocoa cakes can be processed into cocoa powder for use in other chocolate products like biscuits. Furthermore, ground cocoa cakes can be ground into cocoa liquor to produce cocoa liquor.

Hydraulic cocoa presses may seem straightforward at first glance, yet their operation requires considerable knowledge and experience for optimal results. A press typically consists of three, six, or 22 working chambers (bowls) which may be placed either one above another or side by side; each bowl features a filtering element supported by a drainage grid featuring perforations holes and cylindrical grooves for proper drainage of cocoa butter from both working chambers simultaneously. With filters available both sides of each bowl provides favorable conditions for bi-lateral removal of cocoa butter from both working chambers simultaneously - for ideal cocoa butter extraction from both working chambers!

Cocoa Press systems work by filling the space between these filters with cocoa mass, then inserting a plunger to push right until its pressure reaches an ideal threshold level. At this point, spacing between filters may be reduced further to enable more of the cocoa mass to pass through them into being compressed through them.

After a certain amount of time has elapsed, the plunger is removed and cocoa cakes are transported to a cocoa powder milling and stabilization system, where they will be broken into smaller pieces called "kibble", further processed to produce cocoa powder that can then be used in various chocolate production processes such as coatings or fillings.

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/yn/3565.html

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