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How to Make a Hydraulic Juice Press

time:2023-08-29 views:(点击 147 次)
[Article Summary]:Hydraulic juice presses utilize extreme pressure to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. By introducing minimal air into the process, this prev……

Hydraulic juice presses utilize extreme pressure to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. By introducing minimal air into the process, this prevents oxidation while protecting nutrients.

Hydraulic juice presses like the Norwalk and PURE Juicers may cost more, but they produce juice that has richer flavors and nutritional content than other kinds.


Juicing with a hydraulic juice press is much more efficient and quieter than using conventional juicers, producing more juice with less pulp, as well as needing no electricity at all. These types of machines make an excellent option for making cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices for home or commercial use; though not cheap as requiring at least two tons of pressure to achieve optimal results - something which must be planned for before beginning cold-pressing your own drinks at home.

The JASNA Hydraulic Juicer is a compact machine that uses mechanical action to extract pure, fresh juice from pre-chopped fruits and vegetables in just minutes, producing delicious fresh drinks to drink directly or mix into recipes for both savoury and dessert dishes. Easy to use and clean up after, simply place chopped fruit and veg in an enclosed cloth before placing inside of the juicer - which takes less than half the time of traditional centrifugal juicers and can produce up to 1.5 litres per kilogram of fruit/vegetable!

It has a compact footprint designed to fit into tight spaces, making it the ideal choice for juice bars, health food stores and juice cleansing facilities. Certified to meet all health department standards, the FS-12 commercial juicer can press any vegetable, leafy green grass or nut to produce hundreds of bottles per hour of cold-pressed juice.

The FS-12 can be used as either a stand-alone machine, or it can be combined with one of the more popular cold-press juicers available today such as Norwalk Juicer 290 which was first two-stage hydraulic juicer to meet Dr. Max Gerson's standards for his alternative cancer therapy approach. Unfortunately, Norwalk machines are no longer being produced; however PURE Electric Hydraulic Juicer can still meet Dr. Max Gerson's criteria as a standalone unit.


Hydraulic presses are devices designed to create very high pressures. Used primarily to produce vegetable and fruit juices as well as process fruit into jams, they're an invaluable asset in our modern age of soil depletion and food insecurity. Pressed juice contains vital vitamins, minerals and enzymes which are easily assimilated by our bodies for vital energy boost. In addition, pressed juice cleanses intestines, improves blood circulation and rejuvenates tissues while helping rebalance acid-alkaline balance in our bodies. Selecting appropriate materials is key in creating a reliable device. Metals that can withstand acids and alkalis should be used, along with strong wood for the base, with strong pistons designed to withstand high pressure; frames capable of supporting their weight; homemade hydraulic presses tend to be more economical than electric juicers.

To create your own hydraulic press at home, several tools will be necessary. These include a metal frame, screw, barrel and container for collecting extracted juice. The frame can be constructed of steel or stainless steel and should be thick enough to withstand pressure from a piston; oak boards fastened together using self-tapping screws should form the barrel's walls with gaps no larger than 0.3 cm between their slats; finally a plastic basin fitted with holes will act as the pallet and serve as drain for draining liquid away.

At home, another method for creating a hydraulic press is using a car jack. This method can create up to 3-tons of force - enough to extract juice from apples - much faster and more conveniently than using screws; you won't even need nuts; though boards will likely need sawing as this is a much faster and simpler option than using screws.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic presses can provide quick and healthy drinks in no time, though not as efficiently as an electric juicer. An even better option would be building your own screw press which has higher productivity but requires more manual effort.


Hydraulic juice press machines use mechanical action to squeeze pre-chopped fruits and vegetables to produce pure, clear juice for drinking or recipe ingredients. They're the ideal solution for juicing whole fruits and vegetables as well as making jams, jellies and cider - and are highly recommended as part of the Gerson Therapy juicing protocol despite being more costly compared to other models and only being sold used.

Hydraulic press machines consist of two distinct components, the grinding and pressing unit. The former serves to chop produce into fine pulp before being fed into the latter for pressing under up to 2 tons of pressure; this forces extra nutrients out from pulp fibers that would otherwise remain undigested, producing higher-quality juice and improving efficiency over other methods of juicing.

Hydraulic juice presses come in various varieties. Manual ones such as the People's Juicer are manually operated while electric models such as Welles Press offer easier operation and additional features than their manual counterparts. Both work by grinding and pressing produce for maximum juice yield, using plenty of power but running continuously over long periods compared to single auger juicers.

Hydraulic juice presses are simple to set up and operate with an intuitive system. They feature a base that holds the press plate, a hopper for feeding produce directly into it, and a drainage tray below - both made of stainless steel for easy cleaning and durability. A heavy-duty lever applies the force required to squeeze out juice from mash into thin layer - while another outlet pipe and handle lift and lower tray to allow juice dripping out into collection container below hopper.


Hydropneumatic juice presses differ from centrifugal juicers in that they use powerful hydraulic pressure to extract juice from fruits and vegetables, extracting more nutrients with each squeeze resulting in more nutritious juice with enzymes beneficial to our bodies.

Hydraulic presses can be used for many different tasks, from pressing juice to making other foods such as ketchup or mustard. They're an excellent way to produce their own healthy food at home while being easy to clean after each use and working great with citrus fruits, apples, strawberries and carrots. Just be sure to maintain and clean it after every use so it continues to function effectively!

To create your own juicer, a few basic items are required. First of all, a large metal tray to store fruits and vegetables will be necessary, along with a hydraulic press (available online or at hardware stores). A hydraulic press designed specifically to use with the juicing tray applies pressure evenly across its entire surface, helping extract all of its nutrition through squeezing processes which also remove toxins from produce while yielding delicious drinks packed with healthy nutrients.

Electric and manual hydraulic juicers are two options available on the market. While electric models tend to be more costly, they provide more convenient and efficient juicing experience; especially useful for commercial purposes since they can handle larger volumes of produce more quickly.

Manual hydraulic juicers tend to be less costly and more efficient than commercial models; they're ideal for low-volume juicing environments like restaurants and more easily cleaned by wiping it down with a cloth after each use. When choosing your ideal model, though, make sure it meets all your juicing needs - the results could speak for themselves!

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/4462.html

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