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How to Make a Hydraulic Apple Press

time:2023-09-30 views:(点击 299 次)
[Article Summary]: The frame must be constructed of strong enough material to withstand the weight and force of a hydraulic jack, while being easy to keep clean betw……

how to make a hydraulic apple press

The frame must be constructed of strong enough material to withstand the weight and force of a hydraulic jack, while being easy to keep clean between uses.

Sanitize all surfaces that come into contact with apples. Wear gloves when pounding; repeated pounding can be hard on your hands!


Hydraulic apple presses rely on their frame, made of sturdy wood that can withstand both pressure from both the hydraulic jack and pressing of apples, as well as insects and rot. Gloves should always be worn when operating such devices to avoid blisters caused by repeated contact between wood surfaces and your hands; leather ones tend to rub against skin more gently than plastic versions.

At minimum, its width must match that of both baking tray and bucket plus two vertical beams of the press. To bolster its stability further, wooden blocks may be added in rows as an auxiliary support system. Furthermore, its hydraulic jack should sit at an equal height with its base to avoid it ending up too deep into the bucket and failing to exert sufficient pressure for apples to slide through into trough below.

The trough is a metal pan that collects juice, with drain and basket attached below it. To be most efficient and safe when pressing it with its contents, it should be slightly larger than its respective bucket, featuring slotted drain and being inclined so that liquid runs towards rather than away from it.

Once your frame is assembled, it's time to begin grinding apples. But first it is important to sanitize all equipment using diluted iodine solution in order to protect against cross contamination and ensure your cider will be safe to consume.

Once the trough is full of pulp, it's time to press. A basket is then secured within, folded cloth placed over it, and finally the trough lowered on top for pressing. After several minutes of intense pressure has passed, the basket can be lifted off, leaving behind an acidifying fertilizer suitable for plants like rhododendrons or azaleas that won't spoil.


Wood is generally the best material to create the basket for a hydraulic apple press, as it can withstand the force created by its jack. Oak and kiln-dried maple or fir may also work. To use one efficiently, its basket should be large enough to contain both buckets and baking trays of crushed apples that will be compressed underneath its piston; any leftover pomace can then be used as acidifying fertilizer for plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas.

Start by creating a drainage channel and trough to collect juice. Cut 14 drain slats measuring 5/8" x 1" x 15-1/2", drill them using a square bit rather than beveled bit to avoid wood splitting under pressure, and sand as necessary. Additionally, now is an opportune moment to lengthen the handle on your hydraulic bottle jack for increased leverage when pumping pressure onto apples.

Create a wooden base for the trough and baker tray to rest upon, ensuring it is both level and sturdy. Pierce and drill holes through both pieces so the juice flows from one into another without corrosion occurring. If possible, consider using stainless steel sheets as this will prevent further oxidization issues.

Once everything is assembled, the process of extracting apple juice from its pulp can commence. A bucket full of crushed apples along with some pomace will be placed into a basket and fixed to a piston, before all three components were mounted onto a frame with the trough resting atop its block on top of which the hydraulic jack applied pressure via its hydraulic seals to apply pressure and ensure lifting capacity or rupture of its cylinder is not compromised by overload. While this process may require repeated cycles of pounding to produce juice that is delicious yet full of vitamins!


Hydraulic presses make juicing apples, pears and grapes for cider much simpler and faster. Although the process requires some work, its end result will produce high quality juice - perfect for large gardens but small yards too can still produce tasty freshly-pressed apple cider! Before beginning to squeeze the fruits it is important to ensure all tools and surfaces that will come into contact with it have been sterilized to prevent cross contamination and ensure it remains safe to consume as part of its final product.

A hydraulic press should be constructed of sturdy wood such as oak. It must withstand pressure from its hydraulic jack, be insect proof to reduce peel and core fragments in finished juice, and be easy to clean between uses - since frequent cleaning will be necessary for keeping cider free from contaminants.

Once all equipment has been properly sterilized, the next step in turning apples into juice is grinding them down into pulp (pomace). A grinder or hand crank are both suitable for this process - careful grinding must take place so no juice escapes through its sides during pressing.

Once the pomace is ground, it can be packed into a bucket lined with netting or baking tray and secured into a bundle for transportation under a jack that presses down onto its barrel with wooden blocks; typically capable of creating 30 PSI of home water pressure.

Once the pomace has been crushed into juice, it is squeezed until all of the barrel is full of juice and stored until ready for bottling. When bottling occurs, refrigeration should follow as too long an exposure could spoil its quality; additionally it's wise to label bottles with dates and batch numbers for easier tracking of production.


An effective drain is critical in any hydraulic press, as it allows juice to escape during pressing without being forced back into the fruit, as well as preventing excessive pressure that could otherwise damage the bladder. A plastic bucket equipped with a spout makes an ideal drain for an apple cider press.

Home hydraulic presses can be easily created using a bucket as it's quick and straightforward. Furthermore, using one with a lid will prevent juice from spilling during the process.

Preparing apples for pressing is the second step in building a homemade hydraulic apple press, and requires mashing them until they reach a smooth, mushy consistency either by hand or electric blender. Doing this as finely as possible will allow for maximum juice extraction from pressing.

Once your apples have been mashed, it's time to begin the process of cider making. Gloves should always be worn while using wood tools as this may cause blisters on your hands; leather gloves provide more comfort while simultaneously keeping hands clean. Furthermore, ensure your work area is safe and secure as this process relies on force applied from hydraulic jacks.

Next, add a layer of polyester cloth to the basket in order to safeguard apples against seeds, skins and any debris that might make its way into your final product. This step is crucial.

Once you are ready, place the basket over the drain pan and slowly start turning! Remember to apply pressure gradually until even Charles Atlas would find it impossible to twist any further.

Once your apples have been pressed, their juice will drain through a drain into a collection tray. Repeat this process using both a trough and basket until all your apples have been collected! Your homemade apple cider is now ready for enjoyment!

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/4864.html

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