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How to Make a Hydraulic Press Juicer

time:2023-08-02 views:(点击 265 次)
[Article Summary]: Hydraulic presses use extreme pressure to extract juice. Fruit and vegetables must first be chopped or ground into a fine mass before being placed……

how to make a hydraulic press juicer

Hydraulic presses use extreme pressure to extract juice. Fruit and vegetables must first be chopped or ground into a fine mass before being placed into cloth-lined bags or trays and put under hydraulic pressure.

Mechanical action produces cold pressed juice without using blades that produce excessive heat and cause oxidation to ingredients, producing fresher tasting and more nutritious produce.


Hydraulic press juicers use hydraulic pressure to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. Both manual and electric hydraulic press juicers exist, including People's Press and PURE Juicer/Norwalk Juicers, among many others. Hydraulic press juicers are often considered the highest quality choice due to the way in which their hydraulic pressure releases important vitamins, minerals and enzymes from vegetable cellulose fibers; otherwise these nutrients would bind with pulp-forming centrifugal or masticating juicers leaving them behind as waste products in their pulp-producing counterparts. Hydraulic press juicers often produce less pulp with higher quality juice quality; also less pulp compared with centrifugal or masticating juicers

Hydraulic juicing is a two-step process that entails grinding the vegetables into a paste before pressing them under hydraulic pressure to extract juice. First, raw vegetables are ground into a paste-like mass which is then placed in cloth-lined bags or trays and subjected to up to 6,000 pounds of hydraulic pressure; finally cold-pressed juice produced through this hydraulic squeeze process has more nutritional value than juice produced using centrifugal or masticating machines.

Hydraulic juicers may help decrease oxidation when it comes to juicing, since their hydraulic process forces out air that could otherwise get trapped within the juice, leading it to spoil quickly. Furthermore, less oxidation means better flavor as well as being healthier for you!

Cold press juicers may be expensive to own and maintain, but many health enthusiasts consider the investment well worth their while. Cold pressed juice provides many health benefits, including increased energy levels, enhanced immunity function, decreased inflammation levels and overall improvement of health. Plus they're much simpler and easier to clean up after than their centrifugal or masticating counterparts!

Homemade hydraulic juicers can save money and deliver all the same health benefits found in store-bought cold pressed juice. All it requires to build one is a hydraulic pump, set of metal sheets, stainless steel box, and an electrical circuit - and these will all serve to make a reliable yet simple machine for years to come!


For anyone wanting to create their own juicer from scratch, there are a few essential materials required. Most importantly, an excellent hydraulic press will do. This type of juicer uses hydraulic pressure to separate juice from pulp - perfect for people who want the highest-quality results without spending an fortune!

This juicer's main advantage is its capacity to produce large volumes of juice per hour at reduced labor intensity compared to screw juicers. Furthermore, its lack of heating the fruits or vegetables means they maintain their nutritional value; and its hydraulic press allows you to repurpose pulp into other recipes like sauces and smoothies, saving both money and resources.

There are various models of hydraulic presses on the market. While some are designed for home use, others are commercial grade. One model available is called the Welles Press which can be used manually to extract juice from any fruit or vegetable without trituration; simply transfer wet pulp directly into its collection tray before pushing against an inert stainless steel stationary plate using metal press.

Hydraulic juicers with electric motors offer more advanced solutions, and can handle up to three buckets of juice an hour easily and effortlessly. Furthermore, this advanced choice boasts greater durability compared to its mechanical counterpart.

Hydraulic squeezers consist of three key components, including a basket, drainage grates and metal basket. Drainage grates may be constructed of stainless steel or wood (e.g. beech). For best results when selecting materials suitable to withstand the high-pressure created by hydraulic jacks - such as burlap, jute and old nylon tights - consider selecting materials with high resistance such as burlap, jute and old nylon tights to resist high-pressure hydraulics.

The basket can be constructed of plywood or another rigid material such as galvanized boards. When sawing these boards carefully, make sure the corners have small gaps so juice can flow freely through them. Finally, cover it with fabric that can withstand high-pressure.


Hydraulic press juicer designs incorporate two separate components, the juicer and hydraulic press. The juicer portion crushes and squeezes pre-chopped fruits and vegetables to produce delicious pulp-free juice high in nutrition for drinking straight or in dessert dishes or recipes.

This hydraulic press presses ingredients against a hard surface with hydraulic fluid to produce intense pressure that separates liquid from solids, creating juice which can then be poured through a pipe into glasses or bowls for consumption. All parts of this machine are constructed of stainless steel while its frame has been powder coated for extra protection.

Hydraulic juicers provide an efficient, versatile, and cost-effective method of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. Their small footprint and easy cleanup make them the ideal way to produce nutritious juice with maximum nutritional value and silky smooth consistency.

There are various types of juicers on the market. These include centrifugal, single auger, twin gear and hydraulic press machines. Hydraulic juicers are considered among the best and most nutritious machines on the market due to their two-step juicing process that introduces very little air during extraction preventing oxidation and nutrient degradation.

Hydraulic presses feature a small footprint and are easy to use and clean, offering both manual and electric operation options for optimal use and cleaning. Ideal for producing cold pressed juice, herbal tinctures and medicinal syrups in large batches, their juicer section is constructed of food-grade 304 stainless steel that meets national hygiene and safety standards, while their hydraulic jack can be adjusted according to processing needs with its safety valve safeguarding against overloading. Furthermore, hydraulic systems can also be manually controlled so force applied can be reduced - ideal for controlling intensity of squeezing or starting low before gradually increasing pressure over time.


When shopping for a hydraulic juicer, look for one that can support the weight of your produce without becoming overburdened by operation. Also take into consideration what prep work the machine requires prior to usage; some require you to chop, peel or core your ingredients while others operate with minimal user intervention required. Finally, find one with an easily cleaned feeding chute and strainer for optimal juicing results.

There are four primary types of juicers on the market, centrifugal, single auger, twin gear and hydraulic press machines being the top choices. Hydraulic presses are considered high quality machines as they produce tasty yet nutritious juice. Unfortunately they tend to cost more than their counterparts.

Hydraulic juicers use a two-step juicing process which differs significantly from centrifugal ones. Trituration involves breaking down fibrous materials in raw fruits and vegetables by cutting, shredding or grinding until they resemble a smooth mash, which makes digestion easier while increasing extraction surface area. Next comes packing the mash into linen bags or cloth-lined trays before being put through the hydraulic press portion of the juicer where extreme pressure (up to two tons) exerted on it extracting juice while extracting its vital nutrients!

Centrifugal juicers produce substantial heat during their extraction process, which may cause ingredients to quickly oxidize and diminish their nutritional value quickly. By contrast, hydraulic cold presses use no-heat juicing methods which guarantee nutritious yet delectable juice for you to drink.

Although not necessary for everyone, hydraulic juicers are great tools for anyone who enjoys fruit and vegetable juice. The JASNA hydraulic juicer is quiet, sturdy, and easy to use - simply place pre-chopped veggies and fruit into its tray before sliding it down the arm to be juiced out into its end pipe - plus its juicing cloth retains all pulp so you can enjoy a drink free of bits of unwanted pulp!

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/4259.html

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