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How to Make a Hydraulic Fruit Press

time:2023-08-28 views:(点击 267 次)
[Article Summary]:Hydraulic presses are machines used to generate significant loads and extract juice, and are most frequently found at summer cottages for making app……

Hydraulic presses are machines used to generate significant loads and extract juice, and are most frequently found at summer cottages for making apple, berry and other fruit juices.

Frame of an oak plank press (parquet boards are ideal) featuring a wooden basket for holding raw materials for juice making. Bag can be sewn from different fabrics; just ensure it can withstand significant loads.


If you own a garden and are passionate about producing fruit juices, making your own hydraulic press could save both time and money. Even simpler versions can be created out of scrap material for reduced costs.

There are various kinds of hydraulic presses, including mechanical, electro-hydraulic and pneumatic. Mechanical devices tend to be the cheapest but their productivity ranges only 10-30 liters an hour; more advanced options such as electro-hydraulic models are more reliable; they allow users to produce up to 7 liters in one cycle. A pneumatic press requires electricity but has more complex mechanisms compared to mechanical units; thus making it more productive overall.

The primary difference between the two devices lies in how each operates for extracting juice: pneumatic unit employs a "barrel membrane", subjected to pressure of 1.5-2 atmospheres; when exposed to this pressure, its powerful expander pushes crushed raw materials against perforated casing walls until all crushed raw materials have been passed through it and into perforated casing walls of casing walls perforated with perforations. Mechanical unit also utilizes barrel membrane technology - yet its barrel membrane does not contain water as its predecessor does its barrel membrane counterpart;

For an effective hydraulic fruit press to operate properly, it must be constructed of strong materials and its frame must be strong enough to withstand the force generated from your car jack to crush apples. Therefore, its height must equal that of its bucket and width two of its vertical sides.

Additionally, a press must include both a drainage grid and basket to facilitate extraction of fruits. A mesh grid may be best for processing berries while solid plastic baskets work better for apple, pear and grape extraction.

Make a separate drainage grid for each bucket so that pressed materials do not run off into drain holes and clog up your drainage hole. Otherwise, apples will start squirting out during juicing process, leaving no juice behind for you to extract!


Hydraulic presses are devices used to generate significant pressure (1-5 tons), using elastic barrels filled with liquid that expands when under pressure, to generate significant force that squeezes raw material and causes juices to flow out from it. They're ideal for processing summer cottage fruit like strawberries and grapes.

To build your own hydraulic press, you will require: a wooden frame (ideally made from pine), plastic drainage container, perforated plastic membrane for use as the cylinder wall covering, screw pair for making holes in membrane, oil-filled jack and filter material such as coarse mesh (100% polypropylene) bag for collecting juice; spare bag should always be kept handy in case any tear occurs during process.

As for a frame, wood should be sturdy enough to withstand significant amounts of pressure; you could also opt for galvanized metal frames. When selecting drainage containers, ideally plastic basins or buckets would work best as they won't deform under pressure and can easily be cleaned out afterward.

Make an innovative device, which requires minimal effort for maximum productivity - this device is called a mechanical screw press. To operate it, grapes, berries or crushed fruits should be poured into its device with holes before turning the handle and lowering down a flat piston; juice then flows through holes into a tray where it can be collected later.

Creating a hydraulic press using this method is much simpler, and even a car jack for 2-3 thousand kg can serve as the working cylinder. You can mount it either from below or above according to user preference, creating a home-made hydraulic press which will produce up to two liters of juice every 4-7 minutes.


Hydraulic fruit presses can make fresh juice quickly from apples, grapes or berries in mere minutes. They can also be used to press other items such as honeycomb or macerated tobacco. They're easy to build at home using simple tools; with oak or beech wood being preferred as these species can withstand more stress compared to nails which could split under pressure. Nails should never be used; use stainless steel screws instead!

Hydraulic presses for processing apples and grapes represent an upgraded version of mechanical devices, without perforated containers for extracting juice. Instead, this design employs several drainage frames made of wood on which bags filled with crushed raw materials can be laid; all this is then subjected to 1-5 tons of force from above that extract up to 70% of original volume of material deposited.

This design utilizes wood boards that are tightly connected by stainless steel screws and secured at their edges with 20mm spacing between boards, and secured with thick drainage grates made of non-coniferous trees that won't absorb press juice; additionally, these drainage grates must be as thick as possible so as to withstand high amounts of pressure exerted upon them by users.

Drainage grates and screws with nuts should be secured to the pallet so as to not come into direct contact with bags of raw materials. After each pressing cycle, bag wipes must be washed thoroughly as any residue from pressed juice may absorb into their material, leading to unpleasant odors and spoilage of product. Cake made from the fruits pressed can then be used to make jam or jelly products.


Hydraulic presses are designed to eliminate the need for electricity and manual work in making apple or berry juice, by offering an easy way of pressing apples or berries without depending on electricity or manual labor. They feature stainless steel baskets capable of holding up to 50 liters of fruit, as well as an upper push with holes that connects easily to any outlet valve, plus pressurization that makes operation straightforward; additionally, 5t hydraulic jacks allow users to change presses without taking down or removing their device, with adjustable pressure settings allowing users to set maximum levels per cycle or cycle if desired.

Frame wooden presses offer another design variation of hydraulic presses: crushing raw materials between fabric bags placed between special wooden elements is subject to significant pressure from above (1-5 tons), created by a hydraulic jack, creating up to 70% juice extraction from one batch of apples or berries crushed.

Before using a hydraulic press, it is crucial that it is clear of debris and clean. This will prevent bacteria from growing and ruining juice production. Furthermore, make sure there is adequate water in the jack and that pressure doesn't become excessively high or break its hydraulic ram.

Once your press is set up and ready for use, fill it with water and turn on the hose. Start up the pump slowly until pressure reaches 30 p.s.i. Check your home water system's pressure gauge regularly so as to not have too much water entering at one time.

After pumping in water, connect a cloth bag to the inner bladder and add your material. Make sure the cover fits securely; pressing firmly will allow all of the liquid to drain out.

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/4442.html

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