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How to Make Diamonds With Hydraulic Press

time:2023-07-04 views:(点击 285 次)
[Article Summary]: Diamonds are among the toughest materials on Earth. But even they can be broken by hydraulic presses; watch this video from Hydraulic Press Channe……

how to make diamonds with hydraulic press

Diamonds are among the toughest materials on Earth. But even they can be broken by hydraulic presses; watch this video from Hydraulic Press Channel as they use one to crush a 1.2-carat diamond!

This diamond was produced in a laboratory, the price differences are dramatic and can significantly alter pricing structures.


Diamonds are among the hardest materials on earth. Yet even this impressive hardness cannot prevent them from being crushed by a hydraulic press - as seen here by this YouTube video which takes a 1.2 carat lab-created diamond and puts it through its paces in slow-mo. Watch it yourself to witness its unbelievable destruction!

Diamonds are created deep below the earth's surface using high pressure and temperatures that approach those found naturally, known as HPHT (high-pressure hot-temperature) manufacturing process. Scientists have since been able to mimic HPHT within laboratories, providing beautiful gemstones without time-consuming mine mining processes or high costs associated with mine extraction processes.

The HPHT process begins with a small diamond seed and some carbon starting material - usually graphite. A chamber is then ionised using microwaves or lasers, and pure carbon particles deposited onto its surface via microwaves or lasers. Once these pure carbon particles have adhered to its surface, extreme heat and pressure exposure causes further growth; when reached size desired they are sent off for cutting and polishing by industry professionals.

An Earth-grown diamond will take billions of years to form; using HPHT, lab grown diamonds can take only weeks. HPHT processed lab grown diamonds usually feature more brownish tones, though still producing results which closely resemble their natural counterparts in terms of clarity and color.

The YouTube channel that produced this video has previously used hydraulic presses to press Lego toys and even an entire car, so this video serves as another elaborate experiment designed to test what kind of force diamonds can withstand. It's definitely worth watching for its breathtaking slow-mo effects; and you may learn something interesting about differences between lab-created diamonds and natural ones; plus insurance plans are even available that provide coverage in case of loss, theft or damage!


A hydraulic press is a machine that uses immense force to compress or crush objects, such as cars or metal, for industrial and commercial use. Some people believe that a hydraulic press can turn coal into diamonds; this is not true as while they can generate force they lack the heat and pressure necessary for this transformation process.

Scientists use carbon, the element that forms all living things, to create diamonds using HPHT method. A small diamond seed is placed into carbon and exposed to extreme heat and pressure - mimicking what occurs underground when natural diamonds form within earth's crust - until carbon melts around its initial seed, producing diamond. After cooling off, this new creation becomes ready for wear!

The CVD method of lab-grown diamond production uses similar machinery and resources as HPHT, yet requires less rigorous machinery. Furthermore, CVD diamonds tend to produce more consistent colors. Furthermore, their durability makes them suitable for jewelry worn regularly.

Under this process, a small diamond seed is placed inside of a sealed chamber filled with carbon-rich gases such as methane and hydrogen, which are then ionized into plasma using either microwave beams, electron beams, or lasers for energy source. Once released from plasma, pure carbon ions stick to the seed resulting in layers of pure carbon building up over time, producing diamonds identical in both physical and chemical properties to mined diamonds.

Though diamonds are among the hardest materials on Earth, they remain fragile. Even beautiful faceted stones can be damaged with enough force; thus making it essential to understand the differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds. While both varieties offer exceptional durability and resilience, lab-grown ones tend to have lower risks of damage due to their unique growth processes; making them potentially more affordable than their natural mined counterparts.


Diamonds may be among the hardest substances on Earth, but their hardness should not be misconstrued as strength. Diamonds can be crushed by any force capable of applying sufficient pressure against them - as demonstrated in this video by Hydraulic Press Channel. They test out their 40-ton hydraulic press against everything from Lego toys and food items, all the way down to real diamonds! This demonstration stands out because its result includes real material!

High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT), first developed in the 1950s, recreates conditions necessary for natural diamond formation. A piece of carbon inserted into a diamond seed and exposed to intense heat and pressure results in an indestructible diamond crystal that can then be cut and polished to form finished diamonds.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is another way of producing diamonds in a laboratory, but requires more energy than HPHT. CVD begins by placing thin slices of diamond seed or graphite into a growth chamber filled with carbon-rich gases such as air or CO2. Microwaves, lasers or hot filament heating then allow carbon molecules to vaporize into the seed surface where they eventually assimilate into its form resulting in its eventual transformation into either an octahedron or hexagon. Over time this creates its unique geometric form!

Lab-grown diamonds may initially seem less appealing, but they have grown increasingly popular as people seek alternatives to traditional jewelry. Particularly among millennials and Gen Zers who value traceability along with eco-friendliness of lab-grown stones.

As well as being more environmentally-friendly, lab-created diamonds can also be up to 60-80% less costly than their mined counterparts with similar 4C grades. And you could save even more when purchasing them during sales - keep an eye out for specials or promotions from trusted retailers!


Diamonds are formed when carbon molecules under extreme pressure arrange themselves into an ordered crystal lattice structure known as the diamond crystal lattice. Diamonds are an extremely hard natural substance known to exist and also possess superior thermal conductivity and optical dispersion properties than any other material - these characteristics allow diamonds to serve as cutting and polishing tools in gemology as well as industrial metalworking applications.

Though diamonds may be hard, that doesn't make them indestructible; even hard diamonds can be crushed under pressure from an external force, though this usually only happens after years of hard wear and tear. Gemologists use hydraulic presses to test the strength of each diamond and evaluate their strength against one another.

Making natural diamonds is no simple process. First, carbon atoms must undergo intense heating. No ordinary oven can achieve such temperatures - instead it takes millions of years of exposure to Earth's mantle for metamorphosis to occur and form diamond crystals; once on the surface they must be quickly cooled otherwise they'll revert back into graphite form.

Once the diamonds have cooled, they're cut down into smaller pieces that can be separated and made into jewelry. Natural diamond production processes are very time consuming and their final products extremely costly; many opt instead to purchase synthetic or lab-grown diamonds instead.

People purchase natural diamonds to honor those they've lost who have passed away, known as memorial diamonds. This special gift allows families to remember loved ones in an extraordinary and moving way; their ashes are used to transform into a diamond!

Natural diamonds are rare and stunning gems that can add sparkle and elegance to jewelry pieces of all kinds. As a great symbol of love and commitment, natural diamonds make great reminders for someone special in our lives, while custom engraving lets us express how much we care.

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/3928.html

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