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How to Make a Hydraulic Apple Press

time:2023-10-26 views:(点击 204 次)
[Article Summary]: Hydraulic apple presses provide an efficient method of extracting juice from crushed apples and other fruit, using materials easily found around y……

how to make a hydraulic apple press

Hydraulic apple presses provide an efficient method of extracting juice from crushed apples and other fruit, using materials easily found around your house/garden/shed and at an extremely cost-effective price.

As part of this build, a wooden frame constructed from material strong enough to withstand pressure from both a hydraulic jack and basket needs to be made first. Once assembled, its base must be pierced so as to hang over a cider collection bucket.


Your apple press' frame is its foundation; it must withstand a lot of pressure. Oak is an ideal material as it's both sturdy and beautiful - also being insect and rot-proof makes it the ideal material to press apples for cider production.

As soon as your frame is assembled, it's ready for use - but before doing so it should be thoroughly sanitized in order to ensure any surfaces that come into contact with pulp remain free from bacteria or other contaminants. Sanitize all parts of the frame that come in contact with apples (such as grinder wheels).

Once the frame has been cleaned and disinfected, you can start work on your trough. Line it with baking paper pierced with holes so juice drains into a bucket, making sure not to use paper that adds unnecessary friction when working.

At this point, it is time to create the four filler pieces for your press. Make sure they fit the round press board, mark and predrill screw holes and cut 1" wide by 1/2" deep rabbets at one end of each filler piece before glueing and clamping the four fillers together.

Finally, prepare the basket for your hydraulic apple press by filling a bucket lined with plastic or netting and placing your pulp inside it and tying it into bundles. Place this bucket into its frame and lower a hydraulic jack onto it - this will exert considerable pressure onto netting/plastic and pulp inside your basket until pressure releases, at which time it can be easily removed from its frame.

This process may be challenging and time consuming, but the rewards are well worth your efforts: homemade apple juice that tastes as fresh as can be! In addition, any remaining pulp may be used as an acidifying fertilizer for plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas.


Hydraulic apple presses require a basket strong enough to withstand the force of its hydraulic jack while still allowing juice to pass freely through. In order to prevent tainting cider with metallic contaminants, this material must also be food grade.

Food-grade plastic cutting boards work well as basket dividers; you may also use plywood as long as it has been properly sanitized before use. Once cut to size for your bucket and tray set-up, remember that hydraulic presses exert considerable force when being compressed by pressing on them.

To construct the basket, begin by cutting 14 drain slats that measure identically with squared edges instead of beveled ones for your drainage channel. Predrill each slat at 1-3/4" from each end in order to accept screws from both hoops; sand all edges using #220 sandpaper before predrilling again at 1-1/4" from each end - remember to use a bit that has been coated in cutting fluid as this will prevent the wood from splitting under pressure from your jack!

Once your basket has been completed, it should be lined with food-grade cloth and secured to its frame. Prior to use, be sure to sanitize this material as this will prevent pulp from escaping through drainage holes and blocking up juice production.

Next, a bucket is placed inside of a basket, and its frame closed around it. A hydraulic jack is then used to compress the basket with enough force that releases any trapped pulp and allows the juice to drain freely into a trough beneath for collection. Although not edible, this pressed pulp serves as an acidifying fertilizer for plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas; additionally its hydraulic power allows for simple adaptation for this application.


This simple hydraulic apple press is an ideal project for beginners woodworkers. Utilizing half-lap joinery as its foundation and some mortise and tenon joints, this project should take only one or two weekends to complete and will yield plenty of juice for family or friends!

For your frame you will require 2x6s cut to length as well as some scrap lumber for slats. Slats should cover both vertical sides of your frame while being strong enough to withstand pressure from a car jack - this should give you enough material.

Slats for the basket and drain should be constructed of hard wood such as maple or oak for optimal performance, since denseer slats reduce the chances of juice absorption and becoming soggy over time. Red oak should not be chosen due to its open grain which could potentially lead to rot.

If you need help choosing which kind of wood to use for a particular task, speak to an expert. Most hardware stores will have woodworking specialists on staff that can guide your decision towards selecting an aesthetically pleasing wood species for the task at hand. It is worth investing more in higher quality material as this will make the end result even more stunning!

Once you have the slats for both basket and drain in hand, mark and drill screw holes into each support slat for each slat support, followed by shaping its base to conform to the slope of the trough so as not to come loose during pressing operations. This will ensure your slats don't come undone during assembly.

If you have the space, adding a Grinder Swing Arm Mount (GSAM) to your press can increase juice yield and shorten production times by attaching an electric hand crank grinder directly into the press basket without having to transfer from an additional chopping board. Doing this will increase juice yield while also helping produce much more cider quicker.

Hydraulic Jack

DIY apple presses can be an easy and economical way to produce homemade cider at home, as they require only common woodworking tools and techniques. A DIY apple press also makes an excellent beginner woodworking project as it employs simple half-lap joinery as its major construction method, with mortise and tenon joints used elsewhere; plus it's both rotproof and insect-resistant making it suitable for fruit that will be turned into juice!

To construct this hydraulic apple press, you will require a hydraulic jack, bucket, baking tray and wooden blocks. The bucket and baking tray serve to collect crushed apples known as pomace, while wooden blocks on either side of the piston provide support. When applied pressure over pomace by hydraulic jack push-down mechanism, this squeezes all juice from them out while collecting in bucket for later collection - thus repeating process!

Employing a hydraulic jack requires using a pump to draw hydraulic fluid into its main cylinder and generate pressure on its downstroke, then transmitting that pressure through its chambers until reaching its piston, then back out through another channel into a return chamber, eventually retracting. To be used effectively, however, you need the appropriate type of hydraulic fluid in its reservoir.

If the seal leaks, then its pressure drops, no longer transmitting force and leading to damage of the hydraulic jack and reduction in its lifting capacity. Therefore, it is vital that regular checks of this component and any replacement of hydraulic fluid may be necessary.

Hydraulic jacks consist of six key components, such as the reservoir, pump, check valve, main cylinder piston and release valve. The reservoir contains hydraulic fluid which is drawn up by the pump on its upstroke and released via check valve on its downstroke - then enters main cylinder pushing up on piston - when piston reaches end travel it moves release valve for return back into reservoir.

Link to this article: https://www.ihydraulicpress.com/nsn/5035.html

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